Main Features

Results & Rewards

Once the users of your space have finished working on a task, thus completed a gig, they submit the results and get rewarded accordingly. Using our example space to demonstrate the case in practice - once your user (worker) has planted trees (gig results) in a tree planting event (gig) for a certain amount of time (gig time activitiy), they submit their work to be reviewed.

The work done by the user does not get rewarded automatically, it has to go through a review process by an approver. The approvers can either approve or reject the work. If the work is approved, there are two types of payment forms a user can be compensated with; time based and money based. So a tree planting worker can be rewarded for planted trees by being allocated time or being paid. Your space logs then submits payment-related information (gig results) and time spent on the activity (gig time activities) to Cirro, that rewards your user accordingly. Your users are not compensated for their work rejected by the approver.

Gigs & Invitations