Main Features

Gigs & Invitations

In the Terminology section we have already discussed Gigs; a gig is an opportunity for a user to perform a task (and earn a reward). Your space can create gigs which trigger Cirro to start looking for matching users and invite them through an invitation notification. You could read further about invitations under Notifications.

Before you could invite users to your space, it must tell Cirro about the gig that you want to invite the users to. Each gig goes through the created -> start -> end -> archived cycle. You invite users to join the gig between the start -> end phases. You are not allowed to update the attributes 'title', 'description', 'url' and 'start_at' if 'start_at' is in the past, and you can only delete a gig with 'start_at' in the future.

Every space needs to provide a clear flow on how to:

  • allow workers to view their invitations
  • accept or reject an invitation
  • view their gigs

Your space keeps this data in sync with Cirro in the background, letting the API know when a user has accepted or rejected an invitation. As all of the spaces must keep Cirro up-to-date with whether or not a user has accepted an invitation, Cirro also provides an overview of all gigs across all spaces the user is active in.

There are two invitation modes: auto and manual. Auto invitation allows Cirro to take control over the invitation flow of your gig, running in waves of 5 min intervals. It automatically calculates the vacancies and sends out invitations for matching users.
